The issue of having the number of correct question and what are the salient question to ask has been the brickwall for most researchers in constructing their questionnaire hence sufficiency. Researchers are then challenged with the question how to determine the most difficult question and otherwise the easiest question. Worst has yet to prevail when the method of measurement remain vague before the due data analysis.
Course offered focusses on the construct of questionnaire or evaluation form being the prime instrument of a survey or assessment. Participants will be guided to the item operational definition under scrutiny and the due rating assigned accordingly. It then presents the theory and practice of "modern" measurement as practiced using Rasch Measurement Model where ordinal data are transformed into a linear scale with unit of measurement.
Rasch analysis provides a kind of measurement that characterizes measurement in the natural sciences which is more sensitive, accurate, or valid findings. Rasch focuses on the items and the persons rather than the test score, the synthesis of quantitative analysis with qualitative issues is experienced in a way that is rare in social science. Rasch measurement is based on probabilistic theorem can facilitate more efficient, reliable, and valid assessment while improving convenience in making meaningful interpretation and ultimately prudent decision making of measurement to users.